Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety

Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety



Earning our diploma in Occupational Health and Safety provides the in-depth and hands-on education students need in order to advance within their career field.

This educational program provides an entry-level education for students who wish to work within the critical field of occupational health and safety. Students learn to assess risk, implement OH&S programs, and minimize danger in many different environments and settings. Coursework often includes topics such as the basics of risk analysis, accident investigation, Ergonomics, Emergency preparedness, regulatory compliance, and Process Safety. Improving existing skills and gaining new skills are just two of the reasons why many students find a diploma program to be highly beneficial.


Earning a diploma in OH&S may lead to promising careers for graduates as emergency and safety professionals, assistant OH&S managers, safety officers, and safety coordinators, with the opportunity to work in many sectors – Petroleum Industry, Telecom, Manufacturing, Government Establishments and Agriculture sectors. Students may also use their diploma to advance their current career or to find a new career.